Thursday, 14 November 2013

Liebster Blog Award 2013

I was so excited when I got a comment on my blog post by the gorgeous Rosalind (, (Check out her blog) saying that I had been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award 2013, I had never heard of this before so I found out more about it:

I think this is  a really good way to get blogs with under 200 followers noticed and get the followers they deserve. So basically I checked out Rosalind's blog and found out what you have to do to get the award;

  • Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 subscribers
  • Tell 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions your nominator has provided
Its as simple as that! Once you have posted all of that onto your blog, feel free to add the Liebster Blog Award logo onto your blog!

11 Random Facts about me (I literally mean random)

  1. I love Marmite, wait lets change that, I have a Marmite addiction. I literally eat it on everything from toast to crackers to just by its self (Yes I know, I think I need mental help)
  2. I sometimes wish there was a zombie apocalypse just for one day, so I can test all I have learnt from watching zombie films. I LOVE ZOMBIE MOVIES.
  3. I own almost 100 nail polishes and went through a stage of painting them a different colour every single day.
  4. My first ever makeup item was the Bourjois eye shadow in 92 gris. Yes I didn't opt for the traditional mascara or concealer, I decided to go full out and buy a dark gray glitter eyeshadow. I think I only wore it about once then thought to my self why did i ever buy this and it cost me £6.99 which is a lot of money for a 10 year old who still watched Disney channel every morning before school. I had issues.
  5. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention, I'm 14 years old and I'm British (If you couldn't already tell)
  6. I am love Union J, I am a major fan girl and have met the boys 3 times!
  7. I did ballet from the age of 4-8 but one of the girls at ballet told me I needed to have an injection to go to the dance show and knowing me because I hate injections I quit. I was such a gullible child.
  8. I really want a dog, preferably a pug.
  9. I love the taste of strawberry Calpol, sometimes when I was little I used to pretend to be ill so I could have some. Looking back it's made me realize that surely wasn't good for me...
  10. At one point I wanted to be a nurse, but then realized that's a nurse looks at cuts and uses injections, I changed my mind.
  11. Monsters inc is my absolute favorite animated movie, I bought Monsters university cereal one time, I have a bubble bath scream canister and even my onesie is sulley!

Blogs I nominate:


  1. Do you have a favorite make-up brand? 
  2. What is your favorite quote?
  3. What would be your dream holiday?
  4. Who/what Inspired you to start blogging?
  5. Really weird fact about yourself?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. If you could be anyone for a day who would you be?
  8. What do you see yourself doing in the next 5-10 years?
  9. Advice to anyone starting a blog?
  10. Best budget beauty buy?
  11. If you could only use on makeup product for the rest of your life what would it be?

Answers to Rosalind's Questions

1. What's the story behind your blog name?
    Well, my blog name doesn't actually have a story, once I decided to start a blog, I thought of a few different names, but then decided on beauty&katie because It was simple and easy to remember.

2. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
Probably the times when I met Union J (yes, I'm a Fangirl) I met them at a book signing a few months ago, then I trekked to London to see if I could meet them outside Capital Radio. It didn't help that it was pouring down with rain and we had no shelter, but it was definitely worth it and most recently I won a competition to go to their album launch party! Finding out I won that was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me xx

3. Do you have any pets?
Not currently but in the past I have had, fishes, rabbits and hamsters xx

4. How is life for you at the moment?
My life is actually pretty good, but school is a bit stressful with all our assessments and exams

5. If you could pick one movie that you were able to star as the lead role in which movie would it be?
Hmmm...This is actually quite hard but I will have to pick Titanic just because I would be with leonardo dicaprio, imagine that...

6. You're stuck on a deserted island with a handsome fellow and you're only allowed to take one piece of makeup with you, which do you take?
I would have to say mascara, no look is complete without mascara, I would choose either the Rimmel London Scandal eyes mascara or benefit they're real.

7. What is your all time favorite colour?
My favorite colour if definitely green, not dark green, lime green.  Kind of like this, 

8. Favorite nail varnish colour for winter?
I am a nail polish addict, but I never tend to match my nail polish colours to the seasons, I just pick and choose colours whenever. But at the moment I am loving Rimmel London, 842 Too cool to tango, which is a lovely baby blue and O.P.I You're such a budapest, which is a nice lilac.

 9. What's the reason you started a blog?
I had been watching youtube one day, when I came across Zoella and started to watch her videos, this is when I discovered the world of beauty blogging, I soon moved onto other bloggers and everyday I used to read blogs and watch videos. I had been thinking of starting a blog for a couple of months now but I thought no-one would want to read it. Then I finally decided to start a blog to share my love of beauty and fashion. x

10. What did you last eat?
A happy hippo, you know those cute hippo shaped wafer biscuits filled with the hazelnut icing. I used to love them when I was little and the other day I opened the snack cupboard to find a box of them...#awkward

11. What phone do you have?
A blackberry curve 9320, which I absolutely hate, If you are buying a new phone, never buy a blackberry. The new touchscreen ones might be good but most of the keypad ones are slow and always freeze. I am currently saving up for an iphone 5C x


  1. Your blog is super cute, I love those social media buttons, they are awesome! Can't believe you met Union J! jel x

    Kirsty Rockit Style

  2. Thankyou! haha, I was just lucky! I followed your blog...I love your layout xxx
